Refining biomass into speciality products
Protobind 1000
Protobind 1000 is a sulphur free lignin generated from soda pulping of annual fibres such as wheat straw and is available as a dry powder product with low ash and sugars impurities. There are plenty of applications such as high-purity dispersants, animal feed, pharmaceutical supplements, cosmetics, and polymeric composites which require high purity and cannot bear sulphur in their structure.
- Link to Datasheet (pdf)
(see publications referencing Protobind products below)
Protobind KW
Protobind KW is kraft lignin produced from kraft pulping of hardwood and is available as a dry powder product with high purity. Kraft lignin is used for replacing phenol in phenol formaldehyde adhesives used for the manufacture of particular wood-based composites such as plywood, laminated veneer, fibreboard, particleboard and paper-based laminates.

Publications referencing Protobind products
Protobind® products have been widely investigated for different applications and published in high impact journals.
- Lok B., Mueller G., Ganster J., Erdmann J., Buettner A., Denk P. (2022) Odor and constituent odorants of HDPE–Lignin blends of different lignin origin. Polymers, Vol. 14: p. 206
- Trofin A.E., Ungureanu E., Trincă L.C., Fortună M.E., Eperjessy, D.B. (2022) Potential valorisation of Protobind 1000 as adsorbent for Pb2+ and Zn2+. Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment (ALSE), Vol. 55(1): p. 31-44
- Jusselme M.D., Cézard L., Pion F., Baumberger S., Robert A., Lapierre C., Diouf M., Mora P., Miambi E. (2020) Changes in the phenolic fraction of Protobind 1000 and bacterial microbiota in the gut of a higher termite, nasutitermes ephratae. J Microbiol Biotechnol, Vol 5 (3): p.169
- Güvenatam B., Heeres E.H.J., Pidko E.A., Hensen E.J.M. (2016) Lewis-acid catalyzed depolymerization of Protobind lignin in supercritical water and ethanol. Catalysis Today, Vol 259: p. 460-466
- Ariton A.M., Creanga S., Trinca L.C., Bors S.I., Ungureanu E., Malut An T., Popa V.I. (2015) Volorization of lignin modified by hydroxymethylation to ensure birch veneer bioprtection. Cellulose Chem. Technol., Vol. 49 (9-10): p. 765-774
- Li H., McDonald A.G. (2014) Fractionation and characterization of industrial lignins. Ind. Crops Prod., Vol. 62: p. 67-76